Dispensary Deals
Shop Deals & Discounts
Get The Perfect Deal
Whether you're a first-time visitor, dropping by for Happy Hour, or a loyal customer, we have special offers designed just for you.
Cannabis Deals
Save more on quality cannabis at our Columbus location. From BOGO deals to Happy Hour specials, we've designed our deals program to make premium cannabis more accessible to our community.
Dispensary Loyalty Program
Loyalty Pays Off
Join our loyalty program and get early acess to new products, member-only deals, and invited to VIP events.
Dispensary Discounts
Save every visit at our Columbus dispensary. From First-time customer savings to Veteran discounts, we're proud to offer year-round programs that recognize and support the diverse members of our community.
Get Dispensary Deals & Discounts
Your Local Destination for Cannabis Savings
Whether you're using your first-time customer discount or grabbing a BOGO for your favorite brand, our expert budtenders provide personalized guidance to ensure you never miss a saving opportunity.
Visit us today and experience why Columbus shoppers make us their first choice for quality cannabis and unbeatable deals.
Monday - Sunday: 10 AM - 8 PM
(614) 670-4384Online Ordering
On-site ATM
Accepts Cash
Accepts Debit
On-site Parking
ADA Accessible